It will take the average reader 2 minutes and 40 seconds to read this blog of 891 words.

I hope every word is as informative and inspiring as I set out to make it! But nevertheless, I could have delivered this content to you in less than 60 seconds and in a much more imaginative and engaging manner. Here’s why all companies should start thinking seriously about The Power of Video Marketing and get ahead of the game before it’s too late…


If you’re old enough to remember playing Snake on your Nokia 3210 then you’re old enough to recognise that a ‘mobile’ as we knew it, is a word that seems to be becoming extinct! Today we prefer to use the term ‘smartphones’ and the thing is these ‘smartphones’ are not actually phones but mini computers. Smartphones, tablets and Phablets are every marketers dream because consumers are on these devices, pretty much, all day every day, giving marketers a bigger window of time to sell to consumers. The growing popularity and accessibility of portable devices also means that since 1995, there has been an increase of 18,000 % in internet users, 2.9 billion people Worldwide now have access to the internet. There are now more people using the web, and thanks to portable devices, they’re using it more of the time, making the internet an incredibly powerful marketing tool.


This is obviously good news for any business that sells products or services, which in theory, is all businesses, big and small. However, it also has its setbacks. Industry experts in the world of marketing are reporting a phenomenon known as ‘consumer disengagement’, that is, consumers are essentially growing bored of online marketing content and smartphones are also partly to blame in shortening the attention span of the connected customer, with time-conscious consumers today reporting that they desire instant gratification when navigating websites. In layman’s terms, digital marketing content today is a bit like Ice-cream, you have to get it to the consumer quickly before it melts and it has to be an interesting flavour, there’s too much vanilla out there!


So here’s why I should have produced a video instead of writing a blog post! A way to combat disengagement issues on your website and ensure you businesses’ marketing collateral stands out from others is simple. Engage your consumer, and do it quickly! One of the most effective ways to engage your consumer is to provoke emotion. Within the business sector it can be very hard provoking emotional engagement through the use of words that convey a particular message such as product or service offering or even the ethos of your company, and that’s where video marketing comes in to play. As you’re reading this right now you are inevitably the one who is judging when to pause and when to skim my text, you’re controlling what order you’re reading the sections in and you’re following a self-determined cognitive process. If you were watching a video, your comprehension of this text would have been almost instantaneous and driven by storytelling elements, sending you on a pre-determined, emotive inducing journey you have very little control over. Had this blog been a video, by this point, you would have now gained full understanding, emotional connection and perception of this subject, without having to spend more time on reading the text below, my work here would have been done!


A quick 60 second video is worth approximately 1.8 million words and presents your audience with an element of surprise and curiosity, as well as saving their precious time. Recent statistics show that 100 million internet users will view a video each day and 80% of these have far better recall of websites they visited that included a video of some kind, in comparison to websites that relied purely on text and image content. Furthermore, of this 80%, 46% took action after viewing the video content. It was also found that videos on websites greatly increased the amount of time consumers spent on them. Ironically, creating a video to speed up user experience kept viewers on the site for longer! Videos on your website therefore greatly improve your SEO, the longer your viewers spend on the site, the higher your ranking is pushed on whatever search term was used to direct users.


By 2017, online video will make up approximately 70% of all internet traffic. This is a huge number and a figure that will be of great significance to any business that has its own website. As we are in the beginning of this new video generation, the big question that we have not just been asking our clients’, but also asking ourselves; why not get ahead of competitors now, invest in producing a video, and grab more internet traffic!


Here at Affari we know first-hand how hard it is to decide on appropriate video content, with little measure and example it can feel a bit like punching in the dark! But whether you’re a big business specialising in law or you’re a small start-up hoping to sell handbags, we have the resources and know-how to create innovative yet relevant collateral to engage your target consumer and ensure your video delivers outstanding ROI and greatly improved SEO statistics.