




Interactive video
Creative assets for landing page, email and social media
Content and script
Video box design

Interactive Healthcare

We were challenged by Fujitsu Healthcare to develop an interactive and engaging way to display their healthcare solutions – a window allowing people to interact with and understand what is available, and how these solutions can make a positive impact in a healthcare environment. Our proposed answer to the brief was our interactive video solution.

Fujitsu wanted the interactive video to be front and centre. We strived to create opportunities for users to interact with hotspots, explore the experience, and be self-directed in learning more about Fujitsu’s solutions at their own pace. The limited amount of spare time afforded to top healthcare professionals was also a prime consideration, and so the experience needed to be engaging.

View the experience

We were challenged by the Mobility DX team within Fujitsu to construct a campaign concept for their Mobility Leadership Forum. The central theme for the brief was to attract highly regarded experts and commentators within the sector therefore enhancing the event content.

We proposed an ambitious all-encompassing campaign which included both digital and print collateral, the assets to spark intrigue amongst the targets, ultimately encouraging their participation. The collective expertise and know-how had two clear aims – to cement Fujitsu’s position as leaders in this area…demonstrated within a dynamic virtual event.

Fujitsu Mobility Leadership Forum






CMS Microsite
Live Video
Video Box
Podcast Video


Our longest standing client, Fujitsu, was keen to execute a relaunch into the healthcare sector. The initial part of our process consisted of extensive market research, and required regular liaison with the client and stakeholders in order to align with the goals, intention, and use of our interactive video solution in this marketing campaign.

After considerable deliberation and planning, with the added complication of COVID putting a stop to live filming, we came up with a 3D scenario-based animation to highlight Fujitsu’s healthcare solutions.

As ever, our team provided an incredibly complex service seamlessly. Constructing the narrative around Fujitsu Healthcare, we crafted the various personas, environments, and solutions the client wanted the experience to convey, and built the concepts up into a cohesive story that would make sense to the viewer both visually and practically.

There were numerous options, sections, and different healthcare sectors included in the experience. We put together a hierarchy, defined the look and feel of the experience, and then built the environment referring to this hierarchy.

The targets of this campaign were the increasingly overloaded vital decision-makers within NHS Trusts. Taking this into consideration, we strategically concentrated on three sections of the hospital where Fujitsu has developed innovative solutions. This allowed the decision-makers to explore concise and relevant information, giving them control over the pace of the experience, providing an opportunity to engage with the content, and ensuring they could manage their valuable time.

One of the critical factors in this project was the incorporation of Marketo into the experience, allowing Fujitsu to build data profiles through gated content to understand what the user was interacting with. This maintains the value and impact of the campaign well into the future.


Paying meticulous attention to detail, and accounting for the client and viewer’s needs, we curated a user journey with the aim of making the experience as realistic and immersive as possible. Piecing together a storyboard, we created the animatic required to build the interactive video. Following on, we sourced suitable backing tracks and voice talent.

We built the hospital from the sections indicated within the script/storyboard, by doing this in a modular way we could extend the corridors and add rooms where necessary. This in turn helped us with staging the scenes for the following characters and camera work.

Finally, we began adding life to the hospital with virtual characters. Utilising a cutting edge motion capture library, we populated the scenes with staff & patients tailored to the particular scenario, reacting accordingly to what was happening in the voiceover.

We also designed and animated custom desktop and equipment screens to fit within the look and feel of the video. Everything was rendered and composited into the final timeline for the interactive video while working very closely with the web team to place the videos.

Interactive video

Striving for optimal engagement, we created opportunities for users to interact with hotspots, explore the experience, and be self-directed in learning more about Fujitsu’s solutions at their own pace.

The limited amount of spare time afforded to top healthcare professionals was also a prime consideration, and so the experience needed to be engaging. The opportunities for repurposing the experience are limitless. 

The interactive video can function offline at events, but can also be optimised and deployed as an online link, or embedded into an existing website without hassle. Our solution has allowed Fujitsu to captivate a wider pool of healthcare providers, ensuring an enduring ROI.

View the experience

Video Box

With a desire to defy convention, and create a differentiation from the norm, we designed a standalone physical marketing asset. We added the brand artwork resulting in a bespoke printed video box mailout. The video box housed an introduction video fronted by a key Fujitsu stakeholder.

This was subsequently distributed to key targets of the campaign, and naturally drew attention to the experience. It was consistent with the look and feel of the marketing campaign as a whole.

Social/Web Assets

For the broader campaign, we supported Fujitsu with visuals they could utilise throughout their sales, marketing, and social channels, enabling them to develop a consistent approach when targeting their intended audience. 

We really enjoyed working with Affari to build our Interactive Healthcare Experience. We reached out to the team with a challenge to bring our healthcare story to life for the NHS in a creative way, and they have done a fantastic job in doing that. They created a 3D environment to replicate what you would see inside an NHS hospital. From the copywriting to the design, the team got it spot on. Thanks!

Fujitsu Feedback

Affari Media were the proud recipients of the Excellence In Innovation Award 2021 from East Midlands Chamber (sponsored by HSBC) for our bespoke interactive video solution!

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