




Content and script
3D City Interactive Experience
Kawasaki City Interactive Experience
Actlyzer Animation

London Tech Week

London Tech Week (LTW) explores the technological frontiers of our age, and this year the event emphasised health, sustainability, and the environment as core considerations. Representatives from Affari Media attended LTW’s headline AI event to assist Fujitsu in showcasing their services. The three projects had been developed and delivered in an astounding three week timeframe. We do love a challenge here at Affari! A whole team was put aside to focus specifically on the LTW projects, and everyone involved is thrilled with the results.

These experiences communicate incredibly complex subject matter in an engaging and coherent way, allowing those without technical knowledge to easily understand the real world uses of Fujitsu’s artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing, and Actlyzer solutions. From optimising surgical scheduling and reducing collisions at sea, to clearing space debris and predicting tsunamis – Fujitsu is providing solutions to everything from socio-economic problems to existential threats.






Content and script
3D City Interactive Experience
Kawasaki City Interactive Experience
Actlyzer Animation

London Tech Week (LTW) explores the technological frontiers of our age, and this year the event emphasised health, sustainability, and the environment as core considerations. Representatives from Affari Media attended LTW’s headline AI event to assist Fujitsu in showcasing their services. The three projects had been developed and delivered in an astounding three week timeframe. We do love a challenge here at Affari! A whole team was put aside to focus specifically on the LTW projects, and everyone involved is thrilled with the results.

These experiences communicate incredibly complex subject matter in an engaging and coherent way, allowing those without technical knowledge to easily understand the real world uses of Fujitsu’s artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing, and Actlyzer solutions. From optimising surgical scheduling and reducing collisions at sea, to clearing space debris and predicting tsunamis – Fujitsu is providing solutions to everything from socio-economic problems to existential threats.


The original briefing sessions with stakeholders mapped out Fujitsu’s primary intentions for these campaigns, and highlighted their maverick strategy for marketing their Quantum & AI services for everyday life, their prospects for the City of Kawasaki in Japan, and their Actlyzer solution.

We worked closely with the team at Fujitsu to ensure the projects stood out at LTW, communicating the ingenuity of their services, and representing their core aims and new branding. We curated a vast array of written content for the experiences based on information provided by Fujitsu; relaying complex and detailed information in a simple and engaging way is afterall an artform in itself.

A hierarchy diagram was designed to illustrate the structure of the experiences and the relationships between Fujitsu’s services – this then informed how the experiences were built. The content was laid out in a storyboard, and we regularly liaised with the client to be certain their vision was being met.

It was decided the main 3D city would have 30+ areas, whilst the Actlyzer animation was broken down into 15 frames. Kawasaki City has five hotspots, presenting a simplified adaptation of the original 3D city to focus on Fujitsu’s partnership with the City of Kawasaki in Japan.

Breaking down the content to make sure it could be easily absorbed by the audience, we worked diligently to guarantee everything made sense. The material is deliberately simplified, providing a ‘building-blocks’ educational experience in a sophisticated way. Viewers are introduced to the idea of AI playing an integral role in the function, safety, and development of society and our planet.


Actlyzer Animation

Fujitsu wanted the Actlyzer to be presented in the form of a motion graphic video. From the initial script and storyboard we began work on the animation. After drawing frames to go alongside the script we recorded the voiceover, this would then be used to inform the timing and movements of the animations.

First of all, we created the design assets, such as the environments, vehicles, characters and their outfits using Illustrator. We put together style frames to solidify the concept, and these were subsequently signed off by the client, allowing us to press ahead with animation.

We used After Effects to produce the animations, referencing the voiceover to determine timing, and adding an unobtrusive backing track. We later added the option to view the video with subtitles, and overall worked to guarantee the experience reflected Fujtisu’s new branding.

Quantum & AI 3D City

We designed 25+ 2D animations for the main 3D City, and 7+ separate 3D scenes. From the concept we built a map, drafted the sections for the user to click through, and then created a hierarchy diagram to illustrate user journeys throughout the experience. We prioritised ensuring the user interface was both easy to explore and aesthetically pleasing, hence our ‘neon city at night time’ theme.

The main challenge we faced with the overview shots of the city was fitting a lot of information and imagery into a 16/9 frame. The key focus here was plotting the hotspots onto the map, as they needed to represent each particular sector and work coherently and realistically in the cityscape.

From the design we started creating the 3D scenes, beginning with the map screen. Using basic shapes at first to plot, we built the rudimentary city, adding further detail afterwards such as trees, lamp posts, and roads. The map was the most complex scene, and once completed we were able to move on to build the individual sector scenes.

We made looping 2D videos to work alongside the written content for the individual sectors, explaining different aspects of Fujitsu’s Quantum & AI solutions in more detail. Again, we matched these frames with the aesthetic style of the overall experience, applying Fujitsu’s new brand guidelines to everything from the typography to gradients.

Kawasaki City (Smart Cities)

Fujitsu recently strengthened their partnership with the City of Kawasaki, which aims to spearhead and deploy innovative technological solutions to the myriad of challenges faced by modern society, from climate change and environmental disaster to production and the economy.

Kawasaki City is a modified version of the original 3D city. We changed the buildings and completely restyled the aesthetics. The experience recycles aspects of the original city, with five 3D scenes and four 2D scenes presenting a simpler and even more accessible interface. We were able to expand on the original project, with fewer sections and a specific focus on Fujitsu’s partnership with the City of Kawasaki.

Installation & Delivery

London Tech Week 2022 took place between 13th-17th June. Senior staff from Affari Media arrived on site the day before the AI Summit to upload the experiences and make sure everything worked. Fujitsu were provided with hardware expertise and end-to-end support on the day and in the days leading up to the event.

Bringing calm to the scene, our delivery of these experiences took place amid the stress and chaos of setting up such a large event, from stands being built to equipment installations. Alongside representatives from Fujitsu and other agencies, we worked collaboratively with the common goal of achieving the best for our clients and audiences.

We received great feedback from Fujitsu and their own clients on the installations, the experiences worked well and stood out in the labyrinth of tech companies and agencies. Acting as icebreakers, the video and 3D cities themselves provided us with the opportunity to offer self-directed experiences for users. This allowed audiences to explore Fujitsu’s solutions independently, whilst freeing up representatives to engage others in further discussion.

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