




Interactive Microsite

Fujitsu Retail DX

We were challenged by Fujitsu’s Hospitality and Retail sector to deliver a multitude of offerings in the simplest manner, all based around their Retail Digital Transformation initiatives. A key element to the brief was ensuring the end-user could navigate the entirety of services available in an engaging and innovative way.

View the Interactive Microsite

Fujitsu Retail DX

We were challenged by Fujitsu’s Hospitality and Retail sector to deliver a multitude of offerings in the simplest manner, all based around their Retail Digital Transformation initiatives. A key element to the brief was ensuring the end-user could navigate the entirety of services available in an engaging and innovative way.

View the Interactive Microsite





Interactive Microsite


We commenced wireframing for an interactive website that held isometric illustrations of various retail and hospitality environments, familiar to the core demographics of the target base which could be clicked to reveal the personalised services available for that specific area, allowing the user to freely and simply navigate the content.


We commenced wireframing for an interactive website that held isometric illustrations of various retail and hospitality environments, familiar to the core demographics of the target base which could be clicked to reveal the personalised services available for that specific area, allowing the user to freely and simply navigate the content.

Affari succeeded in overcoming the most difficult element of the brief, constructing an easy to navigate interactive experience consisting of 25+ offerings, in addition providing opportunities for reuse across presentations and personalised client experiences. Their ability to consider added value within their creative approach aided budget consideration across associated projects.

Creativity FeedbackFujitsu

Affari succeeded in overcoming the most difficult element of the brief, constructing an easy to navigate interactive experience consisting of 25+ offerings, in addition providing opportunities for reuse across presentations and personalised client experiences. Their ability to consider added value within their creative approach aided budget consideration across associated projects.

Creativity FeedbackFujitsu


Our in-house animation team brought the various illustrations to life which were then integrated within the microsite. Built utilising modern front-end techniques, the interactive microsite provides a means of navigating seamlessly between each of the retail-based themes. This is enhanced through the implementation of micro-interactions across the UI which extends the engaging nature of the animated illustrations.

The interactive experience uses hotspots to facilitate an intuitive way of displaying relevant content to the user. It was designed and built in such a way that is flexible and scalable, should the client need to add more solutions to a particular theme, this provides no further developmental challenge.


Our in-house animation team brought the various illustrations to life which were then integrated within the microsite. Built utilising modern front-end techniques, the interactive microsite provides a means of navigating seamlessly between each of the retail-based themes. This is enhanced through the implementation of micro-interactions across the UI which extends the engaging nature of the animated illustrations.

The interactive experience uses hotspots to facilitate an intuitive way of displaying relevant content to the user. It was designed and built in such a way that is flexible and scalable, should the client need to add more solutions to a particular theme, this provides no further developmental challenge.

The project by nature was extremely complex, owing to the offerings included. The Affari team quickly understood what we wished to achieve, in no small part thanks to our now eight-year relationship, these ingredients ensured the team proposed not only a viable solution but a forward-thinking solution.

Team FeedbackFujitsu

The project by nature was extremely complex, owing to the offerings included. The Affari team quickly understood what we wished to achieve, in no small part thanks to our now eight-year relationship, these ingredients ensured the team proposed not only a viable solution but a forward-thinking solution.

Team FeedbackFujitsu


Now complete, the website holds over 25 offerings in an entirely interactive space which can be increased and developed for future use or specific account personalisation. Since delivering the website, the sales team are now utilising it as their main sales deck, as it offers enhanced navigation and interaction options than a traditional PPT and can be left with the client post-meeting for further education.


Now complete, the website holds over 25 offerings in an entirely interactive space which can be increased and developed for future use or specific account personalisation. Since delivering the website, the sales team are now utilising it as their main sales deck, as it offers enhanced navigation and interaction options than a traditional PPT and can be left with the client post-meeting for further education.

As always, an agile turnaround from briefing through to completion all managed effectively and efficiently. Exceeded all our expectations!

Turnaround FeedbackFujitsu

As always, an agile turnaround from briefing through to completion all managed effectively and efficiently. Exceeded all our expectations!

Turnaround FeedbackFujitsu

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